Chargement en cours...
The small-beds room

The 'Chambre du Milieu' bedroom

The "middle" room, naturally located between the « Chambre Neuve » and the « Chambre du Coin » bedrooms, reminds us of our childhood memories.

For our Grand-Mother Mamie Odette, this room was also the « small beds » room. She used to prepare cozy eiderdowns for us when we were on holidays... Small beds have now given way to one, bigger and more comfortable. There remain the stories that rocked our childhood, to Jules Verne's travels to Saint Exupéry...


A night in The 'Chambre du Milieu' bedroom

160.00 € per night * Breakfast included
* Based on two people sharing

Artists and artisans

The household linen from Linvosges

The household linen from Linvosges

At l'arbre à chapeaux, sheets, bath towels and table napkins are made in the Vosges, by the Linvosges manufactures, Le Jacquard Français and Garnier Thiebaut.